What I am about to tell you,
please listen carefully.
I am sure you are going to be impressed.
There is a hymn in "RIGVED"
commentary on which says:
"तथा च स्मर्यते योजनानां सहस्त्रं द्वे द्वे शते द्वे च योजने
एकेन निमिषार्धे- न क्रममाण नमोऽस्तुते॥"
Meaning –
“O Lord Surya,
I praise thee, who travels
2,202 yojanas in half a nimesh || “
"Yojana" is a unit of distance.
2,202 yojanas are equivalent to
3,18,94,042.81 metres
"Nimesh" is a unit of time.
One nimesh is equivalent to
16/75 seconds
According to the shlok,
The speed of the rays of the Sun
can be calculated as
2.9907 X 10^8 metres per second
Our modern scientists have
calculated the speed of light as
2.9979 X 10^8 metres per second
3500 years ago,
the scientists of India
had accurately calculated
the speed of light and this, and much more,
is recorded in our scriptures,
which were all written in the language
which is globally accepted as the
most scientific till date "SANSKRIT"
Should we learn Sanskrit ?
If the ancient knowledge
of India is a treasure,
Sanskrit is the key to it.
We owe it to our brilliant ancestors
and our upcoming generations
to learn and teach Sanskrit.